East Bay K-8, home of the Eagles, is Santa Rosa County’s first K-8 school. Open in August of 2021, East Bay has quickly grown to a student population of 1,000 with 100 staff and support team members. Serving students ESE Pre-K through eighth grade, teachers and staff are able to provide a nurturing and tailored learning experience due to managing smaller student cohorts of roughly 100+ students at each grade level. We fulfill Santa Rosa County School District’s mission to love, educate, and prepare all students for graduation and a successful future. East Bay administration and staff strive to grow future leaders in the community through our commitment to student empowerment, instilling L.E.A.D.S. values in every child. All students will have opportunities for L-LEADERSHIP, experience E-EQUITY through a warm, welcoming, inclusive environment, exhibit responsibility and A-ACCOUNTABILITY, wonder and D-DISCOVER new possibilities, and practice empathy and civic responsibility through S-SERVICE. As a model school for future K-8’s in Santa Rosa County, East Bay Eagles live through our motto of "East Bay L.E.A.D.S. the Way!"
About East Bay